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Critics of Catholic and independent (nongovernment) schools in Australia contend that the higher levels of performance of students in nongovernment schools can be dismissed as simply a function of student- and especially school-level socioeconomic status (school-SES). A recent article extends this critique to school-sector differences in students’ evaluations of their teachers and schools, arguing that the observable school-sector differences are because of differences in school-SES, not because of school-sector differences in their teachers and schools. In response, this article reviews these arguments and focuses on school-sector differences in students’ evaluations of their teachers and schools using the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation’s (OECD) measures in the PISA 2009 study. On eight of the 10 attitudinal measures, students attending Catholic and independent schools have more positive evaluations and these school-sector differences survive controls for students’ SES, their overall level of achievement and school-SES, which has no substantive influence. Although the effect sizes are generally small (0.06–0.26) their combined influence means that nongovernment school students enjoy superior learning environments which is likely to contribute to their generally higher levels of academic performance in senior secondary school.  相似文献   
监护是对特殊民事主体的人身、财产及其他合法权益的监督与保护。监护制度是一种重要的民事法律制度,它通过不同法律部门的规定,对特定的民事主体进行民事行为能力补充,监督、保护其人身、财产利益及其他合法权益。我国的监护立法采取的是广义的监护立法方式,即不区分亲权和监护,统一用监护称呼之,包括对未成年人的监护和对无(限制)民事行为能力的成年人的监护。我国立法将监护责任的归责原则由单一的无过错责任原则引向多元的区别主义的归责原则体系,即以无过错责任原则为主,包括过错责任原则和过错推定责任原则。  相似文献   
人对自然的权利与义务思想随着20世纪环境保护运动的兴起而产生,它为审视环境危机、追求人与自然的和谐提供了新的维度和现实途径.人对自然的权利是一项基本人权,它的伦理价值在于对正当利益的保护.对自然义务的核心内容是利益的付出或负担,它的价值在于为人类共同利益的实现提供基础和保障.要真正践履对自然的义务,就应当做到自律与他律的统一.  相似文献   
封建时代对贵族妇女的教育不仅仅局限在“三从四德”,还包括立德修身、谦虚谨慎、居安思危、遵礼守法、勤劳节俭等涉及贵族妇女们立身处世的方方面面。在当今历史条件下,全面正确认识古代对贵族妇女的教育,有助于我们对各级领导干部的配偶及家属的约束和管理,使其正确认识权力、自身的位置等,当好贤内助,做到防微杜渐,防患未然。  相似文献   
高校学报“公开征订寥寥无几、内部交流为主、校内外赠阅为辅“的传统发行方式,已经严重地制约了高校学报的发展.在不改变学报性质的前提下,应该实施“以高校图书馆为交流的主渠道,以校内外赠阅为交流的副渠道,进一步扩大有偿消费群体“的发行方式,以实现学报应有的价值.  相似文献   
在陶渊明一百二十多篇诗歌中,涉及“固穷”的占三分之一强。特别是《咏贫士》组诗,对此表现尤为集中。在写作《咏贫士》前后是诗人内心矛盾极为激烈而急需寻找心理慰安的时候,此组诗正是诗人在能否将固穷之志坚守到底的矛盾斗争中升华的结晶。“固穷”在陶渊明的思想和创作中都占有极为重要的地位。它对陶渊明的思想和人生道路产生过重要影响,成为他精神的重要支撑。那些以《咏贫士》为代表的表现固穷题材的诗歌,直接影响到陶渊明后期创作的风格。  相似文献   
任何时代,科学的生命永远植根于该时代的科学精神,因而,每个时代都具有其特有的科学精神。现代科学精神则是在现代科学的基础上产生出来的,它反映了现代知识中关于自然的认识和关于人的认识的相互关联,也表现了这个时代人类日益意识别自己与周围环境世界息息相关的特点,因此现代科学精神的一个最重要的特征就是与人文精神的交融。我们的科学教育要着力寻求一种视科学与人文既有区别又有交融的现代科学精神。本文探讨了现代科学精神的六大内涵及在科学教育中培养现代科学精神的四种有效的途径。  相似文献   
汉语中的称谓歧视主要从两个方面体现出来:第一、女性多侮称.说女性多侮称首先是相对于男性而言,女性多侮称还体现在女性美称与侮称的不平衡上.第二、称谓以男性为中心,女性为附属.亲属称谓男性为中心;社会称谓男性为中心;两性称谓的使用频率和范围也不平衡.汉语中的女性称谓歧视是汉民族男尊女卑、男主女从文化传统在汉语中的映像.  相似文献   
诗体进化论是刘勰《心雕龙》形式本体论及诗本体论的重要内容。是确立刘勰为体学大师的基础,刘勰的诗体进化论主要由“诗有恒裁”说与“随性适分”说构成,是传统与个人才能对抗与和解的结果。在现代诗学视野中不难发现“诗有恒裁”的合理性和局限性,刘勰的诗体进化观对现代汉诗的体建设也具有积极意义。  相似文献   
This study attempts to identify theinfluence of student teachers' subject matterknowledge for teaching on the process ofpedagogical reasoning. This influence isstudied through the way in which the concept offunction is presented to pupils in teachingthrough the textbook problems. Our findingsshow that the four student teachers in ourstudy differed in their subject-matterknowledge for teaching both in the differentaspects of concepts they emphasised and in theuse of a representation repertoire to structurelearning activities. All of this conditionedthe use of graphical and algebraic modes intheir planning of subject matter to bepresented to pupils. We explored also theinfluence of images of mathematics,teaching and learning on student teachers'organisation of the subject matter forteaching, but found this only slight. Finally,regarding the relationship between subjectmatter knowledge and pedagogical contentknowledge in student-teachers' ways of knowingthe subject matter, we offer some implicationsof these findings for mathematics teachereducation programmes.  相似文献   
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